Travel Devil
Travel Devil is all about unconventional travel. In a world of mass tourism and cheap flights, your host Clara Francken inspires you to travel differently. This podcast holds space for a conscious and sustainable travel lifestyle. You'll get inspired, you'll laugh, and hear incredible stories from a wide range of guests.
Go to @clarafrancken on Instagram to get in touch.
Travel Devil
9- Long Distance Bicycle Touring & 14,000 km From England To India w/ William Spencer
What is it like to go long-distance bicycling? This week’s guest William Spencer biked from the U.K. to India in less than one year, experienced culture shock, danger and profound friendship on the road. Now he's older, but still traveling by bike. He explains which life lessons he learned from being on the road, why age doesn't matter, which challenges he faced and how he overcame those. William cycled more than 100.000 km across 23 countries. He even wrote a bestselling book about his 14.000 km journey to India called “Far Sweeter Than Honey”.
You will laugh, get inspired and learn a lot from this conversation!
"Far Sweeter Than Honey" available on Amazon: https://bit.ly/CF_FarSweeterThanHoney_Amazon
Connect with William: https://www.facebook.com/groups/870373953763578
Watch our YouTube video: https://youtu.be/uwJx6EpqiWI
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